Alternative Title: СКЕРЦО (Коляда, Микола Терентійович). Для скрипки та фортепіано
Publisher Information: Violin. Volume IV. Educational Repertoire of Music Schools For Piano with Violin Part Enclosed. Myzychna Ukrayina, Kyiv 1985
Language: Українська, Русский
Composer time period: Early 20th century
Copyright Information: Public Domain
Key signature: C-sharp minor
Instrumentation: For Piano with Violin Part Enclosed
Kolyada Mykola Terentiyovych (April 4, 1907 – July 30, 1935)
Scherzo (Mykola Kolyada).
Tempo: Allegretto
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PIONEER SONG (Mykola Kolyada). Words by Pavlo Tychyna. Tempo: Allegro moderato At the bottom of the page, you can download free sheet music as gif images SHEET MUSIC: Comments comments